人生Life 有時looks as if 是鳥兒筑巢,birds make nets 高高在上,on the trees 能躲過貓兒,preventing from cats 卻風雨飄搖,but swaying 而他們一直都筑在樹上。They keep it for long 人生Life 有時looks as if 是螞蟻過河,ants cross river 你不懂,you don’t know 為何小螞蟻的智慧高過高級動物。Why they wiser than men 人生Life 有時looks as 是離離原上草,grass on the plain 春風吹又生。grow when spring comes 人生Life 有時looks as 是田里的稻谷,paddy in the field 彎腰低頭,bending themselves 不是恥辱,not admitting defeat 是為了豐收。Their aim is harvest.