一、上了生活的賊船,就要做一個快樂的海盜。 In the life of the thief, to be a happy pirate. 二、真愛就像鬼,聽說的人多,遇上的人少,在這個世上,唯一不會背叛你的,只有自己的父母和口袋里的錢。 True love is like a ghost, heard of more people, met fewer people, in this world, the only people who won't betray you, only their parents and the money in their pockets.
三、好吃的東西放在肚子里,可愛的人放在心里,有趣的地方要和可愛的人一起去。 Delicious things in the stomach, lovely people in the heart, interesting places to go with lovely people. 四、做有用的事,說正能量的話,想美好的事,睡安穩(wěn)的覺。把時間發(fā)生在進步上,而不是抱怨上。 Do something useful, say something positive, think of something beautiful, and sleep soundly. Take time to make progress, not to complain.
五、別走回頭路,別翻舊事簿,一路好走是祝福。 Don't turn back the clock. A good journey is a blessing. 六、每個人都會累,沒人能為你承受所有的悲傷,總有一段時間人要學會自己長大。 Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, there is always a period of time to learn to grow up.
七、生活里有一點我不是太喜歡,就是它總讓更懂事的人來承擔糟糕的感受和結果。 There is one thing in life that I do not like too much, but it always leaves the more sensible people to bear the bad feelings and results. 八、這世上哪有什么絕對的愛與恨,舍與得,喜歡了就在一起,不喜歡了就分開,生命太短暫,誰也別耽擱。 There is no absolute love and hate in this world, give up and get, like together, don't like to separate, life is too short, who also don't delay.
九、你逆光而來,配得上這世間所有的好。 You came against the light, worthy of all the good in the world. 十、我們最大的善良莫過于對陌生人禮貌,對家人耐心,對愛人體貼,對舊人不打擾。 Our greatest kindness is to be polite to strangers, patient to family members, considerate to loved ones and undisturbed to the old.
十一、窮人的錢包往往比富人的大,因為它需要裝太多的角票和硬幣。 A poor man's wallet is often bigger than a rich man's because it needs too many corner tickets and COINS. 十二、生活不止眼前的茍且,還有長遠的將就。 Life is not only an immediate struggle, but also a long-term compromise.
十三、時間是一把戳穿虛偽的刀,它驗證了謊言,揭露了現(xiàn)實,淡化了承諾。 Time is a knife that pricks hypocrisy. It proves lies, reveals reality, and softens promises. 十四、要做一個明亮的人,要有一個封藏的故事,要看一遍日落長河,要安穩(wěn)度過一生。 To be a bright person, to have a hidden story, to watch a long sunset, to pass a lifetime of stability.
十五、一生太短了,想吃的就去買,想的人就去找,如果能快樂,不要等。 Life is too short, want to buy, want to find, if you can be happy, don't wait. 十六、不要對任何人抱有任何道德潔癖的希望,這個世界上每個人都是半人半鬼,湊的太近誰也沒法看。 Don't expect any moral cleanliness from anyone. Everyone in this world is half human, half ghost, too close for anyone to see.
十七、我捧你的時候你是杯子,松手的時候你就是個玻璃渣子?!o那些不懂珍惜的人。 You're a glass when I hold you, a glass when I let go. To those who don't know how to cherish. 十八、我太愛自己了,不好吃的東西一口不吃,不喜歡的衣服立刻處理,不舒服的關系漸漸疏遠,不喜歡的人一分鐘也不見。 I love myself so much that I don't eat a bite of the unpalatable food and deal with the clothes I don't like immediately. The uncomfortable relationship gradually becomes estranged and the person I don't like doesn't appear for a minute.
十九、話,要和明白人說。事,要與踏實人做。情,要同厚道人談。 Speak to men of understanding. Do things with practical people. Love, to talk with honest people. 二十、世界上最好的安慰并不是告訴對方“一切都會好起來的”,而是苦著臉說“哭個屁,你看,我比你還慘”。 The best comfort in the world is not to tell each other that everything is going to be all right, but to make a bitter face and say, “Cry, you see, I have it worse than you.” |
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