一、不要賭天意,不要猜人心。天意賭不起,人心猜不透。 Don't bet on god, don't guess the heart. Heaven cannot gamble, man cannot guess. 二、余生,祝我快樂,不會為了瑣事煩惱,不會為了金錢苦惱,不會為了遺憾后悔。 For the rest of my life, I wish me happy, not for trifles, not for money, not for regret.
三、最忙的一天是“改天”,人人都說“改天有空聚”,但“改天”永遠沒空過。 The busiest day is “someday”. Everyone says “we'll get together sometime”, but “someday” is never free. 四、人生最大的悲觀莫過于:看到自己的長相,看到自己的學歷,看到自己的薪水,都有一種想回爐再造的強烈欲望。 The greatest pessimism in life than: to see their own looks, see their education, see their salary, have a strong desire to return to the furnace.
五、我喜歡交朋友,但不喜歡供祖宗。 I like making friends, but I don't like being an ancestor. 六、美食吃多了會油膩,美女看多了會厭倦,世間一切都是物以稀為貴。 Eat more food will be greasy, beauty will be tired of seeing more, everything in the world is scarce for expensive.
七、熱愛世間萬物,無最愛,無例外。 Love the world, no love, no exception. 八、做個俗人,不談虧欠,不負遇見;做個俗人,不亂于心,不困于情;做個俗人,一身正氣,浪蕩自由;做個俗人,貪財好色,一世風流。 To be a Philistine, do not talk about the debt, not meet; Be a Philistine, not confused in the heart, not trapped in the situation; To be a vulgar person, a righteous, free roaming; To be a vulgar, lust for money and lust for sex, I tasteful.
九、這個世界上肯定有另一個我,做著我不敢做的事,過著我想過的生活。 There must be another me in this world, doing things I dare not do and living the life I want to live. 十、別把自己想得太偉大,要知道,在別人的世界里,不管你做得多好,你終究都只是一個配角。 Don't think too great, you know, in someone else's world, no matter how well you do, you are still a supporting role.
十一、不要哭,哭也不會改變什么,這個世界出來不會對任何人溫柔。 Don't cry, cry also won't change what, this world will not come out to anyone gentle. 十二、什么事都要先在自身找原因,不要總是茍求他人。鞋子臟了,是因為你走的路不干凈。 Everything should be in their own reasons, do not always seek others. Shoes are dirty because the road you walk on is not clean.
十三、你越潔身自好,他越五迷三道,畢竟越得不到的,才越想要。 The more clean you are, the more he loves you. After all, the more you can't get, the more you want. 十四、不要一昧的認為人際關系最重要,在你沒有能力的時候,沒有什么比讓自己變得強大更重要。 Don't blindly believe that relationships are the most important, when you are not capable, nothing is more important than to make yourself strong.
十五、錯的人就是錯的人,從來不會因為你能忍或者熬多點兒時間就變成對的人。 The wrong person is the wrong person, never because you can endure or endure a little more time to become the right person. 十六、好脾氣都是磨出來的,壞毛病都是慣出來的,治的了你脾氣的是你愛的人,受的了你脾氣的是愛你的人。 Good temper is ground out, bad habits are used to come out, cure your temper is the people you love, suffer your temper is the people who love you. |
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