愛情是洋蔥頭。如果你一個一個地剝下來,總會讓你流淚。你見過哪些經(jīng)典的警句? 單憑美貌獲得的愛情,那么愛情就很脆弱。 Beauty alone for love,the love is very fragile. 失戀只是愛的對象,而不是愛本身。 Lost that love is the object of love,not love itself. 愛是生命的火焰,沒有它,一切都會變成黑夜。 Love is the flame of life,without it everything will become the night. 枯木容易破裂,虛偽的愛容易破裂。 Dry wood is easily broken,false love easily broken. 常相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能常相知。 Often to know each other,can do not doubt; No doubt,to always know each other. 愛就是充實的生活,就像酒杯一樣。 Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine. 愛是生命的火花,友誼的升華,心靈的吻合。 Love is the spark of life,the sublimation of friendship,the anastomosis of the mind. 談戀愛的秘訣是,不要認真,但一定要認真! Talk about the secret of love is good,don39;t have to be serious,but it must be nice! 已知:我喜歡你,求證:你喜歡我,等你回來。 Known: I like you,proof: do you like me,waiting for you back. 依戀道德而依戀愛人總是一件美好的事情。 For character and to care for a lover,always a beautiful thing. 在愛情上,沒有相互的忠誠,就沒有相互的信任。 In love,there is no mutual loyalty,there is no mutual trust. 愛情的意義在于互相幫助,提高自己。 The meaning of love is to help each other improve,at the same time to improve yourself. 教堂的鐘聲沉淀了所有幸福的旋律,悠揚地傳開。 The church bells,precipitated the happiness all the melodies,melodious. 一雙鞋,少一只就不值錢,所以,另一半很重要。 A pair of shoes,a is not less valuable,so,the other half is very important. 愛比**重罪更難隱藏;愛的夜晚有中午的陽光。 Love hidden harder than felony murder; Love night with the noon sun. 天空不再有星星,我就不再愛你了。 Until the sky no longer have the stars,I no longer love you. 愛不是用眼睛,而是用心。 Love looks not with the eyes,but with the mind watching. 沒有愛情是可以的,但絕不能沒有朋友。 Can not love,but can39;t without friends. 我走到你給的盡頭,理解你所謂的承諾。 I go to the end of the you give,knowing your so-called promises.
About love,we can say,more pure,more subtle. 愛是一位偉大的導師,教會我們重新做人。 Love is a great teacher,teach us to turn over a new leaf. 從眼睛流露出來的愛情比較不容易造假! The eyes are less likely to fake the outpouring of love! 真誠的愛情結合是所有結合中最純潔的。 True love is combined with the most clean and pure. 心中有一條紅線,牽制著你和我的幸福。 There is a red line in the heart,hampering your happiness with me. 感謝你牽著我的手,感受到了溫柔。 Thank you hold my hand,then I can feel the gentle. 有愛慰籍的人,無所畏懼,無所畏懼。 Have a love of comfort,not afraid to anything,anyone. 愛是生命的火焰,沒有它,一切都變成了黑夜。 Love is the flame of life,without it,everything into the night. 愛情可以減少女人的軟弱,增加男人的勇氣。 Love can reduce the weak woman,increase the man39;s courage. 做一個聰明的女人,知道如何愛一個男人和他的錢! Do a wise woman,want to know how to love a man and his money! 要獲得愛情的幸福,請先學習如何讓對方像神仙一樣快樂。 To get the happiness of love,please learn how to make each other happy as the fairy. 真愛是基于兩個自由人的相互理解和理解。 True love is built on two free to meet and understand each other. 愛情就像冰淇淋,無論如何避免,最終都會溶解。 Love is like ice cream,no matter how to avoid,in the end it will eventually melt. 愛不是數(shù)著過去的日子,它讓每一天都變得有意義。 Love is not a matter of counting the days. It makes every day meaningful. 你問我能愛你多久,我的回答,心跳愛你多久! You ask how long I can love you,my answer,how long is the heartbeat,you will love how long! 愛如果為利己而愛,這個愛就不是真愛,而是一種欲。 If love is selfish and love,the love is not true love,but a desire. 世界上最勇敢的事情就是微笑著聽你說你愛她。 The bravest thing in the world,is smiling to hear you say you and her love. 人類終于發(fā)明了愛,使它成為人類最完美的宗教。 Human finally invented love,and make it as the most perfect human religion. 愛情有四種類型:熱情的愛情,有趣的愛情,虛榮的愛情。 In love there are four types: enthusiasm of love interest of physical love vanity of love. 平等公正地對待你和他的愛情,踩很多船最終會翻身。 Treat you and his love,equality and justice stamped on the many ships will eventually turn off. 在愛的世界里,沒有人對不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰。 In a world of love,no who sorry who,only who don39;t know to cherish who. 愛情有吸引力,婚姻有約束力。逃離兩者只會白費力。 Binding love attractive,marriage. Want to escape from the two will only fish in the air. 愛就像一只蝴蝶,它喜歡飛到哪里,帶來快樂。 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where,it pleases where it goes. 你可以用什么方法來獲得愛,但保持愛需要智慧。 For love in any way you want,and keep the love is need of wisdom. 沒有經(jīng)驗的初戀是迷人的,但經(jīng)得起考驗的愛是無價的。 No experience of first love is charming,but stand the test of love is priceless. 一個人成為另一個人的夢想,再到生命,再到未來,再到一切。 A person to become another man39;s dream,to the life,to the future,to all of them. 我簡直不敢相信我沒有經(jīng)歷過一段驚心動魄的愛情。 I couldn39;t believe it,I was not experienced a thrilling love. 愛是洋蔥頭,你一片一片地剝下來,總會讓你流淚。 Love is an onion,you pieces of stripped down,there are always make you cry. |