寧為玉碎的近義詞成語 【沒有相關(guān)詞語】 寧為玉碎的反義詞四字詞語 〖沒有相關(guān)詞語〗 寧為玉碎的近義詞成語帶有解釋 (一)、舍生忘死:不把個人的生死放在心上。舍生忘死 (二)、不屈不撓:屈:屈服;撓:彎曲。比喻在壓力和面前不屈服,表現(xiàn)不屈不撓 (三)、至死不屈:到死也不屈服。形容英勇頑強。至死不屈 (四)、百折不撓:折:挫折;撓:彎曲。比喻意志堅強,無論受到多少次百折不撓 (五)、視死如歸:把死看得象回家一樣平常。形容不怕犧牲生命。視死如歸 (六)、寧死不屈:寧愿死也不屈服。寧死不屈 寧為玉碎的反義詞四字詞語帶有解釋 【寧為玉碎】 關(guān)于寧為玉碎的詳細(xì)解釋 寧為玉碎,不為瓦全[ nìng wéi yù suì,bù wéi wǎ quán ] [ nìng wéi yù suì,bù wéi wǎ quán ] 比喻決不屈辱求生?!侗饼R書·元景安傳》:“大丈夫?qū)幙捎袼椋荒芡呷??!?寧:寧可。 擴展閱讀:用寧為玉碎寫一句話 (1)、(不為五斗米折腰士可殺,不可辱。寧為玉碎,不為瓦全。 (1); (not for the sake of five doumi, a man with a bent waist can be killed, not humiliated. Better a broken jade than a broken one. (2)、(俗話說:寧為玉碎不為瓦全;可俗話又說:好死不如賴活著。人生在世就要,驕傲的走一遭,愿你在今后的道路上,邁向人間正道,譜寫一世滄桑! (2) as the saying goes, it is better to die than to live. Life in the world is about to take a proud walk, I wish you in the future on the road, towards the right path in the world, write a lifetime of vicissitudes! (3)、(俗話說:留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒;俗話又說:寧為玉碎,不為瓦全。人既要有寧可玉碎的精神,又要有留得青山的智慧,這樣才能邁向成功! (3) as the saying goes, if you keep green hills, you are not afraid of no firewood; as the saying goes, you'd better be broken than broken. People should not only have the spirit of willing to be broken, but also have the wisdom to stay green hill, so as to move towards success! (4)、(內(nèi)里其實是像三閭大夫那種,豪放不羈,瀟灑浪漫,如果愛了就轟轟烈烈,寧為玉碎不為瓦全。 (4) neili is actually like Dr. Sanlu, uninhibited, natural and romantic. If you love, it will be vigorous. It's better to be broken than broken. (5)、(俗話說:寧為玉碎不為瓦全;俗話又說:留得青山在不怕沒柴燒。未來的道路長又寬,何必總鉆牛角尖,大家一起渡難關(guān),幸福人生等在前。 (5) as the saying goes, it's better to be a broken jade than a broken tile; as the saying goes, if you leave a green hill, you won't be afraid of no firewood. The road of the future is long and wide. Why do you always go to the top? Let's go through the difficulties together and have a happy life. |