捫心自問的近義詞成語 【撫躬自問】 【反躬自省】 【反躬自問】 【撫心自問】 捫心自問的反義詞四字詞語 〖沒有相關詞語〗 捫心自問的近義詞成語帶有解釋 〖撫心自問〗: 摸著自己的胸口問問自己。表示自我反省。 〖撫躬自問〗: 反過來問問自己。含有自我檢討的意思。躬(gōng):自身。 〖反躬自問〗: 事后反過來問問自己,指檢查自己的思想和言行。躬:自身。 〖反躬自省〗: 躬:自身;?。簷z查?;剡^頭來檢查自己的言行得失。 捫心自問的反義詞四字詞語帶有解釋 【捫心自問】 關于捫心自問的詳細解釋 mén xīn zì wèn 【成語的意思和解釋】-- 捫:按;摸;心:胸口。摸著胸口;自己問自己。指自我反思;醒悟。 【成語來源出自哪里】-- 唐 白居易《和夢游春詩》:“捫心無愧畏,騰口有謗讟。” 【成語繁體字寫法】-- 捫心自問 【成語拼音簡寫】-- mxzw 【褒義還是貶義】-- 中性成語詞語,沒有明顯褒義貶義 【成語使用辦法和性質】-- 連動式;作謂語;用于勸人作自我反省 【成語形式結構】-- 連動式成語 擴展閱讀:用捫心自問寫一句話 (1)、捫心自問,他一生看盡世態(tài)炎涼,雖不至于怨天尤人,但對這世間多少有些冷情。要是遭受花千骨那樣的苦,他又會變成什么樣子。 (1) ask yourself, he has seen the world through his whole life. Although he is not complaining, he is somewhat indifferent to the world. What would he look like if he suffered as much as Hua qiangu. (2)、此刻這張打皺的明信片卻促我重新捫心自問. (2) now this wrinkled Postcard urges me to ask myself again. (3)、捫心自問,我經(jīng)手這么多款項,從來沒有私自挪用過一分一厘。 (3) ask yourself, I've never embezzled a cent of all the money I've dealt with. (4)、我請你看看你的收件箱,通訊簿,F(xiàn)ACEBOOK通知頁面,衣柜,或是任何堆積如山的物件,捫心自問,這里究竟有什么真正重要的? (4) I ask you to look at your in box, address book, Facebook notification page, wardrobe, or any mountain of things and ask yourself, what's really important here? (5)、“我卻想不到,你怎么會在這里?”,“歷遍苦海,掙出輪回?!保澳銙行淖詥?,真的還有掙出輪回的一天?”,“我歷遍苦海,他掙出輪回?!?,“為什么……”,“為換回他雙目清明,身無瑕垢?!?。狐離 (5), "but I didn't think how could you be here?" "Go through the bitter sea, earn reincarnation." "You ask yourself, is there really a day to earn reincarnation?" "I've been through a lot of hardships, and he earned reincarnation." "Why..." In exchange for his clear eyes and immaculate body. Hu Li |