人外有人造句寫一句話簡單的 (1)、自從見到了他我才知道什么叫做真的是人外有人。 (2)、葉一行人一通神出鬼沒的槍法秀后,更讓一幫特種兵是服貼了,誰想到這幫從雪山來的野人有這等本事,方知是山外有山人外有人。 (3)、天外有天,人外有人,有些人確實不如你,但你也確實不如很多人。 (4)、今天我就教你領悟什么叫住人外有人。 (5)、我們應該學會謙虛,懂得天外有天,人外有人的這個道理。 (6)、不錯,盡人皆知伏虎羅漢素來思維縝密,可俗話說,天外有天,人外有人,冥神教向來行動環(huán)環(huán)相扣,絕不馬虎一絲一毫。 (7)、所以,以后絕對不要說自己無敵,記住,學無止境,人外有人,天外有天,修真界強者為尊,弱肉強食,殘酷異常,盲目自大,瞬息就會丟掉性命。 (8)、就算你考了100分也不能說明你就是最棒的,因為人外有人天外有天,比你厲害的人還很多。 (9)、現(xiàn)在知道什么叫天外有天人外有人了吧? (10)、有時候山外有山,有時候人外有人,但我會想著遠方有一道最美的風景,夏有涼風冬有暖陽春有花開秋有百合,那么四季交替不再幻變如常,溫暖我心里的始終有一些種子。痛仰樂隊 (11)、是啊,人外有人,天外有天,人不犯我,我不犯人! (12)、永遠都是人外有人,你覺得周圍優(yōu)秀男人都沒了,是因為你不夠優(yōu)秀,你變得更優(yōu)秀的時候,更優(yōu)秀的男人就出現(xiàn)了。 (13)、華夏國人有句古老相傳的話,天外有天人外有人,強中自有強中手。 (14)、他認為他的棋藝水平已到了登峰造極的程度,但豈知山外有山,人外有人,在圍棋總決賽前一場他就被淘汰了。 (15)、人無論是處在什么位置,都要時常保持謙卑的心態(tài),人外有人,天外有天,一葉障目而不自醒,最終的結果也只能是毀滅。 人外有人造句帶有中英文翻譯寫一段話 (1)、葉一行人一通神出鬼沒的槍法秀后,更讓一幫特種兵是服貼了,誰想到這幫從雪山來的野人有這等本事,方知是山外有山人外有人。 (1) after ye and his party's magical shooting show, they even let a group of special forces be obedient. Who would have thought that these savages from the snow mountain had such skills? They knew that there were people outside the mountain. (2)、這人太混了,寧重皺著眉頭想著,在寧重看來這人不知天高地厚,天外有天,人外有人,年紀比自己只小不大,只怕也是涉世未深了。 (2) this man is too mixed up. Ning Zhong frowns and thinks, in Ning Zhong's opinion, this man doesn't know that heaven is high and earth is thick, that there is heaven outside, that there are people outside, and that he is only a little younger than himself, so I'm afraid he's not deep in the world. (3)、臭小子,我就讓你看看什么叫做人外有人天外有天!在實力差距的面前,一切,都是浮云!他騰飛縱躍,劍法凌厲,一柄長劍更是舞得呼呼作響,發(fā)出爆裂的聲響。 (3) smelly boy, I'll show you what it means to have someone out of the world! In front of the gap of strength, everything is floating clouds! He takes off and jumps, his sword technique is fierce, and a long sword is even more loud and burst. (4)、他認為他的棋藝水平已到了登峰造極的程度,但豈知山外有山,人外有人,在圍棋總決賽前一場他就被淘汰了。 (4) he thinks that his level of chess has reached the peak, but he didn't know that there are mountains outside the mountains and there are people outside the people. He was eliminated one game before the go finals. (5)、妮妮:你現(xiàn)在知道了吧!我們的奧運知識并不少,我們只想告訴你一個道理“人外有人,天外有天”。 Nini: you know now! We don't know much about the Olympic Games. We just want to tell you a truth: "there are people out there, and there is a day out there.". (6)、現(xiàn)在知道什么叫天外有天人外有人了吧? (6) do you know what it means to have someone outside (7)、哎,真是強中更有強中手,天外天,人外有人! (7) ah, it's really strong in the middle, even stronger in the middle, there are people outside the sky, there are people outside the people! (8)、天外有天,人外有人,有些人確實不如你,但你也確實不如很多人。 (8) there are days and people outside the world. Some people are not as good as you, but you are not as good as many people. (9)、就算你考了100分也不能說明你就是最棒的,因為人外有人天外有天,比你厲害的人還很多。 (9) even if you score 100, it doesn't mean that you are the best, because there are people out there, and there are many people who are better than you. (10)、小明以為自己體育很好,誰知到小剛的體育更好,真是山外有山,人外有人??! (10) Xiao Ming thinks he is good at sports, but Xiao Gang's sports are better. There are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people! 人外有人造句寫一句話復雜的 (一)、山外有山,人外有人,總有前山前人做標準。 (二)、不錯,盡人皆知伏虎羅漢素來思維縝密,可俗話說,天外有天,人外有人,冥神教向來行動環(huán)環(huán)相扣,絕不馬虎一絲一毫。 (三)、聽先生一席話,真是頓開茅塞,仲景自以為藥學典籍,無一不通,今日遇到先生,方知人外有人,天外有天。 (四)、首次深度空間飛行,眾人方知天外有天,人外有人. (五)、天養(yǎng)比趙麟年紀還小,可其實力卻比他要高不少,趙麟心中不由生出了深深的挫敗感,方知人外有人天外有天。 (六)、人外有人,天外有天,而且一件事情,當你做多了,你會很反感的。 (七)、所謂天外有天,人外有人,這一點不假。 (八)、所以,以后絕對不要說自己無敵,記住,學無止境,人外有人,天外有天,修真界強者為尊,弱肉強食,殘酷異常,盲目自大,瞬息就會丟掉性命。 (九)、人外有人山外有山,我們千萬不能滿足于現(xiàn)狀。 (十)、戰(zhàn)之意,取占、戈二字,意為占得上風,方能止戈,修仙一途,猶如逆水行舟,人外有人,天外有天,平心靜氣,潛修頓悟,方可大成…… (十一)、就算你考了100分也不能說明你就是最棒的,因為人外有人天外有天,比你厲害的人還很多。 (十二)、你以為你現(xiàn)在就是冠軍么?難道你不知道有句話叫住人外有人? (十三)、其實尚公一和孫立權都串通好了,不管尚哲這次任務完成還是沒完成,他倆都一個唱黑臉一個唱紅臉,殺殺尚哲銳氣,讓他知道,天外有天,人外有人。 (十四)、第兩百零一章人外有人,天外有天。 (十五)、今天我就教你領悟什么叫住人外有人。 |