1、真朋友,就算吵架也不影響感情,假朋友,就算玩得再嗨也只是演戲。 True friends, even quarrels do not affect feelings, fake friends, even play hey is only acting. 2、第一次遇見的時候是的斯斯文文的淑女,熟了以后就不知道是那個**院放出來的,這就是你。 The first time I met a lady of Sven, I didn't know it was released from the neurological hospital after I got acquainted with her. That's you. 3、在忙碌的生活中別忘了抽個時間,讓自己輕松一下,永遠(yuǎn)保持一顆年輕快樂的心。 Don't forget to take some time in your busy life to relax yourself and keep a young and happy heart forever. 4、世界上最普通的名詞是朋友,但最難得的也是朋友。 The most common noun in the world is friend, but the most rare one is also friend. 5、人的生活離不開友誼,但要得到真正的友誼卻是不容易的。友誼需要用忠誠去播種,用熱情去灌溉。 Friendship is indispensable to human life, but it is not easy to get true friendship. Friendship needs to be sown with loyalty and irrigated with enthusiasm. 6、最好的朋友,就是當(dāng)所有人都覺得我小題大做的時候,她懂得我為什么哭得如此歇斯里底。 The best friend is when everyone thinks I'm making a fuss, she knows why I cry so hysterically. 7、人與人之間必須靠耐性來維持和諧,朋友之間的感情有如一朵小花,必須靠雙方小心的培育。 People must rely on patience to maintain harmony. Friends'feelings are like a flower, which must be carefully nurtured by both sides. 8、友誼本身就是一根神圣的紐帶,苦難使它變得更為神圣。 Friendship itself is a sacred bond, and suffering makes it more sacred. 9、朋友的情誼是沒有翅膀的愛情。由於某種目的而開始的朋友的情誼,無法持續(xù)到目的達(dá)成的時刻。 Friendship is love without wings. Friendship that begins with an end cannot last until the end is achieved. 10、世間最好的東西,莫過于有幾個頭腦和心地都很正直的嚴(yán)正的朋友。 The best thing in the world is to have a few friends who are honest in mind and heart. 11、朋友不是先來的人或者認(rèn)識最久的人,而是那個來了以后再也沒有走的人。 Friends are not the first to come or the oldest to know, but the one who never left after coming. 12、如果我被眾人推倒了,你記得也推我一把,別因為我而挨罵。 If I get knocked down by people, you remember to give me a push too. Don't be scolded for me. 13、人世間的每一分溫暖和友情,朋友間的每一個牽掛和祝福,都是心靈與心靈的交融! Every warmth and friendship in the world, every concern and blessing among friends, is a blend of heart and soul! 14、朋友之間的感情的燈火燃燒的那一刻,就從未熄滅過。 The moment the lamp of affection between friends burns, it never goes out. 15、走在沙漠上的人,希望有甘甜的泉水;在逆境中拼搏的人,渴望有誠摯的友誼。 Those who walk in the desert hope to have sweet spring water; those who struggle in adversity yearn for sincere friendship. 16、不管未來有多遙遠(yuǎn),成長的路上有你有我;不管相逢在什么時候,我們是永遠(yuǎn)的朋友。 No matter how far the future is, you have me on the way to grow up; no matter when we meet, we are forever friends. 17、我不愿意把我們之間的友誼比作鐵鏈;因為鐵鏈也許會被雨水銹蝕,或被倒下來的樹砸斷。 I don't like to compare our friendship to a chain; it may be rusted by rain or broken by fallen trees. 18、性情爽朗的人,身邊總是有三個朋友。 There are always three friends around a person with a cheerful disposition. 19、人家的朋友都是男神女神,而我的朋友,都是表情包! People's friends are goddesses and goddesses, and my friends are expression packs! 20、你是我歲月變不老的知己,絕無僅有,天下無雙。 You are my old confidant, unique, unparalleled in the world. 21、在智慧提供給整個人生的一切幸福之中,以獲得朋友之間的感情為最重要。 Among all the happiness that wisdom offers to the whole life, it is most important to get the affection between friends. 22、好朋友不是有難就一定幫得了你的那個人,但一定是那個不會笑話你的人。 A good friend is not the one who can help you in any difficulty, but the one who can't laugh at you. 23、朋友相處抱道而行,彼此留有適當(dāng)?shù)目臻g很重要。 It's important for friends to get along with each other and have proper space for each other. 24、兩個人之間最好的感覺就是:表面相互嫌棄,心中不離不棄。 The best feeling between two people is that they dislike each other on the surface and never abandon each other in the heart. 25、得不到友誼的人將是終身可憐的孤獨者。沒有友情的社會則只是一片繁華的沙漠。 Those who can't get friendship will be poor loners for life. A society without friendship is just a prosperous desert. 26、所謂友情,是平等的人們之間離開了利益關(guān)系的交易。 The so-called friendship is a transaction between equal people who leave their interests behind. 27、友誼到底是什么東西呢?你只有付出關(guān)愛,付出真誠才能得到的東西。 What is friendship? You can only get something by giving love and sincerity. 28、永遠(yuǎn)不能復(fù)合的,往往不是那些在盛怒之下分開的情人,而是那些在友情的基礎(chǔ)上分開的情人。 Never be able to compound, often not those who are separated in anger, but those who are separated on the basis of friendship. 29、真正的朋友,她每天會損你一百次,卻絕不允許別人傷害你一次。 True friend, she will hurt you a hundred times a day, but never allow others to hurt you once. 30、真正的朋友能讀懂你眼神中的哀傷,而其他人卻相信你臉上的微笑。 True friends can read the sadness in your eyes, while others believe the smile on your face. 31、誰若想在厄運時得到援助,就應(yīng)在平日待人以寬。 Anyone who wants assistance in times of adversity should treat others with leniency on weekdays. 32、真正的友誼不是花言巧語,而是關(guān)鍵時候拉你的那只手。 True friendship is not rhetoric, but the hand that pulls you at the critical moment. 33、所謂友誼,這首先是誠懇,是批評同志的錯誤。 The so-called friendship, first and foremost, is sincerity and a mistake in criticizing comrades. 34、友誼!你是靈魂的神秘膠漆;你是生活的甜料,社會性的連接物。 Friendship! You are the mysterious paint of the soul; you are the sweetener of life, the social connector. 35、如果我沒有什么可以幫到你,至少可以陪著你。 If I have nothing to help you, at least I can accompany you. 36、茫茫人海就像一片戈壁灘,我們就是灘中的沙礫,不過有你的做伴使我不再感到渺小和孤獨。 The vast sea of people is like a Gobi beach, we are the sand in the beach, but with your company I no longer feel small and lonely. 37、戀人不在美貌只在真心,朋友不在數(shù)量只在質(zhì)量。 Lovers are not beautiful but sincere. Friends are not in quantity but in quality. 38、只有你會聽我的胡言亂語,只有你會懂我的沉默不語。 Only you will listen to my nonsense, only you will understand my silence. 39、不論是多情的詩句,漂亮的文章,還是閑暇的歡樂,什么都不能代替親密的友情。 Whether it's sentimental poetry, beautiful articles, or leisure pleasure, nothing can replace intimate friendship. 40、友誼像清晨的霧一樣純潔,奉承并不能得到友誼,友誼只能用忠實去鞏固它。 Friendship is as pure as the fog of the morning. Flattery can't get friendship. Friendship can only be consolidated with loyalty. 41、只要你不離不棄,哪怕一輩子我也愿意奉陪到底。友情也好,愛情也罷。 As long as you don't give up, I will accompany you all my life. Friendship or love. 42、友誼和花香一樣,還是淡一點的比較好,越淡的香氣越使人依戀,也越能持久。 Friendship, like flower fragrance, is better if it is lighter. The lighter the fragrance, the more attaching it is, the more lasting it will be. 43、不像朋友不如不做朋友,不像愛人不如坦然放手。 Unlike friends, it's better not to be friends. Unlike lovers, it's better to let go. 44、友情的紐帶,或會因情緒激動而繃緊,但決不可折斷。 The bond of friendship may be tightened by emotional excitement, but it must not be broken. 45、富裕帶來榮譽(yù),富裕創(chuàng)造友誼,窮人到哪兒都是下人。 Richness brings honor, richness creates friendship, and the poor are inferior everywhere. 46、在生病之后總會第一個看望,關(guān)心自己,陪伴在身邊,因為是閨蜜。 After sickness, you will always be the first to visit, care about yourself, accompany you, because it is a lady. 47、對所有的人以誠相待,同多數(shù)人和睦相處,和少數(shù)人常來常往,只跟一個人親密無間。 Be honest with all people, live in harmony with most people, interact with a few people, and be intimate with only one person. 48、在智慧提供給整個人生的一切幸福之中,以獲得友誼為最重要。 Of all the happiness that wisdom offers to the whole life, friendship is the most important. 49、朋友之間的感情能使人同舟共濟(jì),朋友之間的感情能使人生活充實,五彩繽紛。 Friends'feelings can make people work together. Friends' feelings can make people's lives full and colorful. 50、友情是沒有翅膀的愛情。由於某種目的而開始的友情無法持續(xù)到目的達(dá)成的時刻。 Friendship is love without wings. Friendship that begins with an end cannot last until the end is achieved. 51、不論是多情詩句,漂亮的文章,還是閑暇的歡樂,什么都不能代替無比親密的友誼。 Whether it's sentimental poetry, beautiful articles, or leisure joy, nothing can replace the incomparable intimacy of friendship. 52、就算每一個小事都能忍耐,如果全都累積起來,總有一天會崩潰的。 Even if every little thing can be tolerated, if it all accumulates, one day it will collapse. 53、真正的友誼的要素,在于體諒別人的小過失。 The key to true friendship is to be considerate of other people's minor faults. 54、你必須承認(rèn),身邊總有一些朋友的笑聲比笑話好笑。 You have to admit that there are always friends around who laugh funnier than jokes. 55、對一個朋友信任的深淺,不是看你會不會對他笑,而是看你愿不愿意當(dāng)著他的面哭。 The depth of trust in a friend depends not on whether you will laugh at him, but on whether you will cry in front of him. 56、真正的友誼好像健康,失去時才知道它的可貴。 True friendship is like health. You don't know its value until you lose it. 57、朋友可以認(rèn)識很多!但真心對你,用心待你的有幾個?陪你走的很遠(yuǎn)很遠(yuǎn)的有幾個? Friends can know a lot! But how many people treat you sincerely and attentively? How many are there with you far away? 58、在見面后總會相互問:你吃飯了嗎?這是簡單的問候,卻時刻停留腦海,因為是閨蜜。 After meeting, they always ask each other, "Have you eaten yet?" This is a simple greeting, but always stay in mind, because it is a lady. 59、世界再大也終究只有一個你,風(fēng)雨再大,只要有你陪我同行。 No matter how big the world is, there is only one you. No matter how hard it is, as long as you accompany me. 60、財富并非永久的朋友,朋友卻是永久的財富。 Wealth is not a permanent friend, but a friend is a permanent wealth. |
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