1、原來夢里也會心痛,能痛到醒來。 The original dream will also be heartache, pain to wake up. 2、好想去找你,然后抱緊你。和你說聲我好想你。 Want to find you, and then hold you tight. I miss you so much. 3、人生,總有一段回憶,回不去,又走不出來。 Life, there is always a memory, can not go back, and can not walk out. 4、現(xiàn)在的喜歡好廉價,刪了好友,就什么都不在了。 Now like cheap, delete friends, nothing. 5、他即使有千般不好,萬般辜負,畢竟是我愛過的人。 Even if he has a thousand kinds of bad, all kinds of disappointment, after all, is the person I loved. 6、我走在逃離命運的路上,卻與命運不期而遇。 I am on the road to escape from fate, but I meet it unexpectedly. 7、后來我過得很好,只是偶爾遺憾沒有你的陪伴。 Later, I had a good time, but occasionally regretted not having your company. 8、有時候疏遠不是討厭,而是太喜歡又很無奈。 Sometimes alienation is not hatred, but too fond and helpless. 9、鏡中的雪越發(fā)耀眼,活像燃燒的火焰。 The snow in the mirror shines more and more like a burning flame. 10、路途的風景再美,也要舍得及時告別。因為它不屬于我。 No matter how beautiful the scenery is, we should be willing to say goodbye in time. Because it doesn't belong to me. 11、當赤道留住雪花,眼淚融掉細沙,你肯珍惜我嗎。 When the equator retains snowflakes and tears melt sand, will you cherish me? 12、我不要你的道歉,因為一旦說了對不起,就代表一定有虧欠。 I don't want your apology, because once you say you're sorry, it means you must be in debt. 13、一個人覺得寂寞,是因為害怕踏出最初的一步。 A person feels lonely because he is afraid to take the first step. 14、從無話不說到無話可說,多深刻多難忘我都懂。 I know how deep and unforgettable I am from having nothing to say to having nothing to say. 15、擁有逆境,便擁有一次創(chuàng)造奇跡的機會。 If you have adversity, you have an opportunity to create miracles. 16、**而無遺書,是最好不過的了。無言的死,就是無限的活。 It's best to commit suicide without leaving a book. Wordless death is infinite life. 17、夜深忽夢少年事,唯夢閑人不夢君。 Late at night, dreams of young things, but idle people do not dream of monarch. 18、請不要在我真正離開的時候,才抓緊我的手。 Please don't hold my hand until I really leave. 19、曾經(jīng)發(fā)生過的事情不可能忘記,只不過是想不起而已。 It's impossible to forget what happened, but it's just impossible to remember. 20、生活挺不容易了,相互哄一哄,騙一騙吧。 Life is not easy, coax each other and cheat each other. 21、讓一個人變強大的最好方式,就是擁有一個想要保護的人。 The best way to make a person strong is to have a person who wants to protect. 22、這世界是你的遺囑,而我是你唯一的遺物。 The world is your will, and I am your only relic. 23、每個人都是通過自己的努力,去決定自己生活的樣子。 Everyone decides the way they live through their own efforts. 24、晚睡等于慢性**,早起就是當場去世。 Sleeping late is a chronic suicide. Getting up early is death on the spot. 25、曾經(jīng)發(fā)生過的事情不會忘記,只是想不起來而已。 What has happened will not be forgotten, just can not remember. 26、你不用分清東南西北,只需要走向有我的方向。 You don't have to distinguish the southeast from the northwest, just go in my direction. 27、由于性格太內(nèi)向,一直做不出搶著結(jié)賬這種事。 Because of his introverted personality, he has been unable to rush to settle the bill. 28、這一生,這一世,因為不再有你,所以愛情轟然老去。 This life, this life, because there is no longer you, so love suddenly old. 29、得到,不一定能長久。失去,不一定不再擁有。 Get, not necessarily for a long time. Lost, not necessarily no longer owned. 30、你說你看不到未來在哪里,那就交給我。 If you say you can't see where the future is, leave it to me. 31、有時候明知道是痛苦的,偏偏愛上了一些痛苦的感覺。 Sometimes I know it's painful, but I prefer some painful feelings. 32、不求盡如人意,但求問心無愧。 Not to be satisfied, but to have a clear conscience. 33、我在時光里享受溫暖,我在流年里忘記花開。 I enjoy the warmth in the time, I forget to blossom in the fleeting years. 34、沒有什么是完美的,這個世界并不完美,所以才顯得美麗。 Nothing is perfect, the world is not perfect, so it looks beautiful. 35、當一切都隨風而逝的時候,特別的瞬間都成了永恒。 When everything goes with the wind, special moments become eternity. 36、那種拼了命想要做好一件事,卻搞砸了另一件事的心情。 That kind of desperate desire to do one thing, but failed to do another thing. 37、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有。 You are my chance, my chance, and my chance. 38、如果,我知道有一天會這么愛你,我一定對你一見鐘情。 If I knew I would love you so one day, I would love you at first sight. 39、我所知道的關于你的事情,就只有天氣預報了。 All I know about you is the weather forecast. 40、我本將心向明月,奈何明月照溝渠。 I would have loved the moon, but the moon shone on the ditch. 41、有些話反著說更容易,但不是所有人都有勇氣聽懂。 It's easier to say the opposite, but not everyone has the courage to understand. 42、**并不可怕,比**更可怕的是失望和厭世。 Suicide is not terrible, more terrible than suicide is disappointment and boredom. 43、刪除我一生中的任何一個瞬間,我都不能成為今天的自己。 Delete any moment in my life, I can't be myself today. 44、假如你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛來抱著你。 If you were a cactus, I would endure all the pain to hold you. 45、在我眼里你特別好看,從眼睫毛到頭皮屑都好看的那種好看。 You look great in my eyes, from eyelashes to dandruff. 46、我一直在想著不再想他的那一天,想來想去,原來還在想他。 I've been thinking about the day when I don't think about him anymore. I want to think about him, but I still think about him. 47、你說我會遇到更好的人,其實是你想擁有更好的人。 You said I would meet better people, but in fact you want to have better people. 48、我答應你,只要我活著,我會等著你的,就在這里。 I promise you, as long as I live, I will wait for you, right here. 49、你錯過的,別人才會得到。正如你得到的都是別人錯過的。 If you miss it, others will get it. Just as what you get is missed by others. 50、真正重要的東西,總是沒有的人比擁有的人清楚。 What really matters is that no one knows better than the one who ows it. 51、凌晨四點鐘,看到海棠花未眠。 At four o'clock in the morning, I saw that the crabapple flowers were awake. 52、鴻爪踏雪泥,還是來得及,對重遇的人說,原來你也在這里。 It's still too late for Hongzhao to tread on the snow and mud. To those who meet again, you are here too. 53、與其降低你的開支,不如去嘗試增加你的收入。 Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. 54、哪有什么錯過的人,會離開的都是路人。 Those who miss anything are passers-by. 55、自從你第一次跟我說晚安,我就決定以后每天還你一個晚安。 Since the first time you said good night to me, I have decided to give you a good night every day. 56、我不等了,就當風沒吹過,你沒來過,我沒愛過。 I do not wait, when the wind has not blown, you have not come, I have not loved. 57、不要心碎之后就把對你好的人用來療傷,要遭報應的。 Don't use your good people to heal after your heartbreak, you'll be rewarded. 58、希望你能記住我,記住我曾這樣存在過。 I hope you can remember me, remember that I once existed like this. 59、盡力了是為了成功,而不是為了給自己找借口。 Do your best to succeed, not to make excuses for yourself. |
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