1、冬天,雖然沒有春天迷人的鳥語花香,沒有夏天壯觀的電閃雷鳴,沒有秋天誘人的豐碩的果實,但它也有獻(xiàn)給大自然的含蓄的美。 In winter, although there is no charming spring birds and flowers, no spectacular thunder and lightning in summer, no attractive autumn fruits, but it also has the implicit beauty dedicated to nature. 2、公路旁、人行道上的積雪已經(jīng)融化,只有背陽的屋頂上還留有殘雪,就像戴著頂白色的小帽子。 The snow on the roadside and sidewalk has melted. Only the roof of the back sun has residual snow, like wearing a white cap. 3、冬天是殘酷的,它冷藏了太陽的萬丈光芒;冬天是無情的,它脫掉了草木的華美衣裳;冬天是寂靜的,它禁錮了江河的喧鬧奔放。 Winter is cruel, it refrigerates the sunshine; winter is ruthless, it takes off the beautiful clothes of grass and trees; winter is silent, it confines the noisy and unrestrained rivers. 4、刺骨的寒風(fēng)絲毫不講情面地刮去了人們豐收的喜悅,鵝毛大雪覆蓋了一切喧囂,同時也覆蓋了晴朗的心情。 The bitter cold wind blows away the joy of harvest without mercy. The snow covered all the noise, but also covered the sunny mood. 5、大地一片銀白,一片潔凈,而雪花仍如柳絮,如棉花,如鵝毛從天空飄飄灑灑。 The earth is white and clean, and the snow is still like willow catkins, cotton, goose feathers floating from the sky. 6、一到冬天,大地更顯得全無一點生機了:群山蕭索,百樹凋零,不見鳥飛,不聞獸叫,乍看去,就像低垂的云幕前面,凝固著一幅死氣沉沉的圖畫。 In winter, the earth seems to have no vitality at all: the hills are shallow, the trees are withered, the birds are missing, the animals are not heard, at first glance, like a dead picture in front of a drooping cloud curtain. 7、太陽落山了,它那分外的強光從樹梢頭噴射出來,將白云染成血色,將青山染成血色。 When the sun sets, its extra bright light sprays out from the top of the tree, dyeing the white clouds and the green hills with blood. 8、冬,有著脫俗的美。那茫茫的天、地,一切事物都是白色的。偶爾點綴著幾朵紅梅,更覺得別具風(fēng)韻。不論何時它都流露出那清淡、純潔的主調(diào)。 Winter has a refined beauty. The vast sky, the earth, everything is white. Occasionally adorned with several red plum, feel more unique charm. Whenever it reveals the light and pure tone. 9、冬天,雪花像晶瑩透明的小精靈,調(diào)皮地翻著跟斗飄落在山腰上,落在大地上。 In winter, snowflakes fall naughtily on the hillside and on the ground like crystal and transparent elves. 10、隆冬,北風(fēng)凜冽,銀灰色的云塊在天空中奔騰馳騁,寒流滾滾,正醞釀著一場大雪。 In the middle of winter, the north wind is brisk. Silver-gray clouds gallop in the sky. The cold current is rolling, and a heavy snow is brewing. 11、他走了不一會兒,從嘴里鼻孔里噴出來的團團熱氣便凝成了一層層霜花兒,凍結(jié)在皮帽四周,恰似一頂銀色的頭盔戴在他那凍得通紅的臉膛上。 After a short walk, the hot air from his mouth and nostrils condensed into a layer of frost, frozen around his leather cap, like a silver helmet on his red face. 12、來到了山北的竹樹旁,只見它們毅然挺立在草地上,北風(fēng)吹過,它們搖了搖頭,似乎不怕這冷冷的寒冬。 When they came to the bamboo trees in the north of the mountain, they stood firm on the grassland and the north wind blew through them. They shook their heads and seemed not afraid of the cold winter. 13、人工湖結(jié)上了一層很厚的冰,一些調(diào)皮的小同學(xué)在湖上嬉戲打鬧,從湖面上不時地傳來陣陣歡聲笑語。 The artificial lake is covered with a thick layer of ice. Some naughty schoolmates are playing and playing on the lake. From time to time, laughter and laughter come from the lake. 14、街上的商店已陸陸續(xù)續(xù)地開門了。我顧不得去欣賞琳瑯滿目的商品,也顧不得去品嘗那令人垂涎三尺的食品,加快腳步,到學(xué)校去尋找冬天的早晨。 The shops on the street have been opened continuously. I don't care to appreciate the dazzling commodities, nor to taste the mouth-watering food, to speed up the pace, to the school to find the winter morning. 15、暗戀最偉大的行為,是成全。你不愛我,但是我成全你。真正的暗戀,是一生的事業(yè),不因他遠(yuǎn)離你而放棄。沒有這種情操,不要輕言暗戀。 The greatest act of secret love is fulfillment. You don't love me, but I will fulfill you. True secret love is a lifelong career, not because he is far away from you and give up. Without such sentiments, do not lightly talk about secret love. 16、冬天,整個世界成了只大冰箱,山冷得在顫抖,河凍得僵硬了,空氣也似乎要凝固起來。 In winter, the whole world becomes a big refrigerator. The mountains are shivering cold, the rivers are frozen stiff, and the air seems to be solidifying. 17、從開始哭著嫉妒,變成了笑著羨慕。時間是怎么樣爬過了,我皮膚只有我自己最清楚,紅豆,還沒好好的感受。 From beginning to cry, jealousy turns into a smile and envy. How did time climb? My skin is the only thing that I know best. 18、冬天的陽光是和藹可親的,淡淡的,舒舒的,不帶一點暴戾、驕橫,尤如蘭花幽幽飄散著淡雅芳香,將你的身體擁著,軟酥酥的。 Winter sunshine is kind, light, comfortable, without a bit of violence, arrogance, especially if the orchid is quiet and elegant fragrance, your body is embraced, crisp. 19、西南邊的河叉子已經(jīng)被凍得很結(jié)實了。爬在冰面往下看,到處可見一些被定身術(shù)定住了一樣的小泡大大小小,一串一串,像鑲嵌在水中的珍珠串。 The river fork on the southwest side has been frozen very strong. Climbing on the ice and looking down, we can see that there are many small bubbles, big and small, like pearls embedded in water. 20、拋棄你,就在你拋棄我之前,轉(zhuǎn)過身給你一個冰冷的脊背,留給這個冬天一個不再回首的理由,從此,拒絕關(guān)于這些的回憶。 To abandon you, just before you abandon me, turn around and give you a cold back, leaving this winter a reason not to look back, and then refuse to recall these memories. 21、冬天,它是一個雪白的精靈,降臨在人間;它是一位優(yōu)雅的女士,漫步在大地;它是一位偉大的畫家,畫出了最美的華彩! In winter, it is a snow-white spirit, coming to the world; it is an elegant woman, walking on the earth; it is a great painter, painted the most beautiful colors! 22、雪兒飄灑隨風(fēng)飛揚,落觸肌膚沁透心房,女孩踏雪嬌柔眸亮,發(fā)髻素雅淡香,是醉人的佳釀。 Snow drifting with the wind, touching the skin and penetrating the heart, the girl treads on the snow with delicate eyes, elegant and fragrant hair, which is an intoxicating wine. 23、一年有著四個季節(jié),立冬就是冬天的開頭了,走進(jìn)立冬,天氣就漸漸冷了,它告訴我們冬天來了。 There are four seasons in a year. The beginning of winter is the beginning of winter. When we enter the beginning of winter, the weather becomes colder and colder. It tells us that winter is coming. 24、當(dāng)凌晨的光破開無盡的黑暗撒在第一片搖曳著的樹葉上時,寒風(fēng)早已狂卷,帶走等候已久的溫暖。人們只能全副武裝,以此代替太陽的照拂。 When the morning light breaks into endless darkness and spreads on the first swaying leaves, the cold wind has already swept away the long-awaited warmth. People can only be armed to take the place of the sun. 25、數(shù)九寒天,冰封千里。整個世界成了只大冰箱,山冷得在顫抖,河凍得僵硬了。 The cold weather is freezing. The whole world became a big fridge, and the mountain was cold and trembling, and the river was frozen stiff. 26、只見天地之間白茫茫的一片,雪花紛紛揚揚的從天上飄落下來,太陽漸漸露出了金邊,金色的光芒撒落在潔白的雪花上,金色的雪花滿天炫舞。 See the vast white between heaven and earth, snowflakes falling from the sky in succession, the sun gradually exposed Phnom Penh, golden light scattered on the white snow, golden snow dazzling dance all over the sky. 27、冷颼颼的風(fēng)呼呼地刮著。光禿禿的樹木,像一個個禿頂老頭兒,受不住西北風(fēng)的襲擊,在寒風(fēng)中發(fā)抖。 The cold wind was blowing. Bare trees, like bald old men, can not withstand the attack of the northwest wind and tremble in the cold wind. 28、冬天,不論你以什么樣的姿態(tài)展現(xiàn)在我們的面前,你都是最冷艷的,是最美的,也是最令人懷念的。 In winter, no matter what posture you display in front of us, you are the coldest, the most beautiful and the most memorable. 29、雪花像美麗的玉色蝴蝶,似舞如醉;像吹落的蒲公英,似飄如飛;像天使賞贈的小白花兒,忽散忽聚,飄飄悠悠,輕輕盈盈,無愧是大地的杰作。 Snowflakes are like beautiful jade butterflies, dancing like drunkenness; like dandelions blown off, floating like flying; like small white flowers rewarded by angels, scattered and gathered, floating and long, gentle and graceful, worthy of being the masterpiece of the earth. 30、寒冷的冬天來了,一場大雪過后,成了粉妝玉砌的世界,柳樹上掛滿了銀條,草坪也披上了銀裝。 The cold winter has come. After a heavy snow, it has become a world of pink makeup and jade. The willow trees are covered with silver bars and the lawn is covered with silver clothes. 31、我的家門前有幾排樹,我也不知道是什么樹。每天,這些樹都挺拔地接受著風(fēng)雪的洗禮,只有少數(shù)長的歪。 There are several rows of trees in front of my house, and I don't know what kind of trees it is. Every day, these trees are all upright to accept the baptism of wind and snow. Only a few of them are crooked. 32、透過玻璃窗,外面是冬日陽光,一如你在身旁,我閉目塞聽,感受著你強大的氣場。原說今天會有大風(fēng),可風(fēng)沒有來,依舊溫暖如你的胸腔。 Through the window, outside is the winter sunshine, as if you were around, I closed my eyes and listened, feeling your powerful aura. It is said that there will be a strong wind today, but the wind will not come. It will still be as warm as your chest. 33、朵朵潔白小雪花,從茫茫的天穹中無聲無息地飄落,星星點點地掉在地上。一會兒,雪大了,像鵝毛,像柳絮,鋪天蓋地,天地相銜,連為一體。 Little white snowflakes, falling silently from the vast vault of heaven, dropped to the ground. In a moment, the snow became bigger, like goose feather, like catkins, spreading all over the world, and holding the world together. 34、風(fēng)嗚嗚地吼了起來,暴風(fēng)雪來了。一霎時,暗黑的天空同雪海打成了一片,一切都看不見了。 The wind howled, and the blizzard came. In a moment, the dark sky became a piece of snow sea, and everything was gone. 35、潔白的雪,我愛你,我愛你的純潔。你把大地裝飾得一片銀白,你把大地打扮得多么美麗。 White snow, I love you, I love your purity. You decorate the earth with silver and white, and you dress the earth beautifully. 36、它在冬天傲然挺立,它生命力頑強,它四季常青,它就是人們最喜歡而又最不起眼的植物——冬青樹。 It stands proudly in winter, its vitality is tenacious, it is evergreen all the year round, it is the most popular and the most insignificant plant - holly tree. 37、一生至少該有一次,為了某個人而忘了自己,不求有結(jié)果,不求同行,不求曾經(jīng)擁有,甚至不求你愛我。只求在我最美的年華里,遇到你。 In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership or even love me. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years. 38、這年冬天,地都凍裂了縫,小北風(fēng)像刀子似的猛刮,大雪滿天飛。 In the winter, the ground was frozen and cracked, and the small north wind was blowing like a knife, and the snow was flying all over the sky. 39、冬天來了,小草沒有了,草地上鋪了條白白的雪被子。河里凍上了冰。 When winter came, the grass was gone, and the lawn was covered with white snow blankets. The river was frozen with ice. 40、寒冬,飽滿的雪粒裹在樹枝上,樹枝好像長出了一顆顆白色的珍珠。如果雪下得再大點,就好像給樹蓋上了一層厚厚的棉被,那真是很美的景象。 In winter, when the snow grains are wrapped around branches, the branches seem to grow white pearls. If it snows a little more, it's like covering a tree with a thick quilt. It's a beautiful sight. |
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