原諒我很喜歡你卻不知道怎么去關(guān)心你。Forgive me for loving you and not knowing how to care about you.下面是小編為大家整理的2021最火經(jīng)典語錄英文,希望大家喜歡。 1、想和你說很多的故事,最后卻發(fā)現(xiàn)你成了我的故事。 Want to tell you a lot of stories, but finally found you become my story. 2、我深深相信,會有那么一個人用盡全力,愛上我的全部。 I deeply believe that there will be a person who will try his best to love all of me. 3、我也終于明白:煙比女人親,傷肺不傷心。 I also finally understand: smoke is more intimate than women, hurt lung is not sad. 4、生活就算累了點,但還是很美好的。 Even if the life is a little tired, but still very good. 5、難免抱怨時間的手,把相愛寫成相愛過。 It's hard to avoid complaining about the hand of time, writing love as love. 6、只有忍得住寂寞,才能夠見明日的繁華。 Only when we can endure loneliness can we see the prosperity of tomorrow. 7、真正的愛情是,我讓你動了心,你讓我安了心。 True love is, I let you move your heart, you make me calm. 8、我一直告訴自己,吃多了會死的,然而事實證明我不怕死。 I always tell myself that I will die if I eat too much. However, it turns out that I am not afraid of death. 9、對你愛,從來不曾離開,只是,你一直忽略我的存在。 Love for you, never leave, just, you always ignore my existence. 10、已經(jīng)路過的風(fēng)景,就不要再打聽。 Don't inquire about the scenery that has passed by. 11、天上星星那么多,地上真心人沒幾個。 There are so many stars in the sky, and there are few real people on the ground. 12、今天,天氣很好,心情很好,憧憬很好,見你很好,我也很好。 Today, the weather is very good, the mood is very good, the vision is very good, meets you very good, I am also very good. 13、交友這件事兒,再餓也不能饑不擇食。 No matter how hungry you are in making friends, you can't be greedy. 14、只有人欣賞你的成功,沒有人計較你的手段。 Only people appreciate your success, no one cares about your means. 15、刪掉的人不加第二次,曾經(jīng)滾了的那些人,也不看第二眼。 Deleted people do not add a second time, those who have rolled, do not look at the second time. |
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