1、原來今天最愛是你,下秒鐘亦能忘了你。 The original love is you, next second also can forget you. 2、明天的希望,讓我們忘了今天的痛苦。 Tomorrow's hope, let us forget today's pain. 3、我的愛只能夠讓你一個人獨自擁有。 My love can only give you a person alone. 4、你給的那片荒蕪請告訴我該怎么逃。 Please tell me how to get out of that desert. 5、位置可以增加人的力量,但增加不了能力。 Position can increase the strength of human, but not the ability to increase. 6、那人其實是個啞巴,平時說話都是偽裝的。 That person is actually a mute, at ordinary times the speech all is the camouflage. 7、別人永遠對,我永遠錯,這樣子比較沒煩惱。 Others always right, I will always be wrong, so that the child is not trouble. 8、我不想再要這心痛的感覺了,我再也不需要任何人了。 I don't want to feel the pain anymore. I don't need anyone anymore. 9、我憶不到過去的過去,找不到曾經的曾經。 I can not recall the past, can not find once had. 10、繁華了昨天,悲傷了今天,一切都是一場零碎的記憶。 Busy yesterday, sad today, everything is a little memory. 11、主動久了,每個人都會累,不是不愛了,只是心累了。 Active for a long time, everyone will be tired, not love, but the heart is tired. 12、沒有一顆珍珠的閃光,是靠別人涂抹上去的。 Not a pearl of the flash, is to rely on others to smear. 13、愛情不過是一出戲兩個人不過是道具。 Love is just a play but two people are props. 14、尋覓一座森林,待我溫柔容我棲身。 Looking for a forest, to be my gentle let me live. 15、最幸福的時候不是有你在,而是你永遠都在。 The most happy time is not you, but you are always in. 16、幸福就是開心的聽完一首歌,看完一場電影。 Happiness is happy to listen to a song, after watching a movie. 17、用微笑裝作不在意你的嘲笑,不關心你的離去。 Pretend not to care about your smile with a smile, do not care about your leaving. 18、不要為小事遮住視線,我們還有更大的世界。 Don't cover the little things, we have a bigger world. 19、做個開心的人,開心到把我們周圍的人也能影響。 Make a happy person, happy to the people around us can also affect. 20、折子戲,你演的不是自己,我卻投入了過多的情緒。 ZheZiXi, you did not himself, but I spent too much emotion. 21、如果你能夠平平安安的渡過一天,那就是一種福氣了。 If you can spend the day in peace, it is a blessing. 22、走過的路,不要再走;錯過的人,別再回頭。 The way that walks, don't walk again; miss the person, don't turn back. 23、我把你當最好的朋友,你卻把我傷到極致。 I put you as the best friend, but you hurt me. 24、看得開一點、也許、受的傷就會少很多。 See open a little, perhaps, the injury will be much less. 25、我只能讀著你給的空白,獨自一人在原地徘徊。 I can only read you to the blank, alone in place. 26、堅強的女孩子是會哭,但絕不會認輸。 A strong girl will cry, but never admit defeat. 27、最幸福的事,莫過于你愛的人主動找你聊天。 The happiest thing is that you love the people to find you chat. 28、想你的時候,去我的心里找你。那里的你一如從前。 When I miss you, I want to find you in my heart. There you are like once upon a time. 29、老天送了我一份大禮物,那就是孤獨和無助。 God sent me a big gift, that is lonely and helpless. 30、喜歡你的人有很多,而喜歡我的人只有你一個人。 Like you have a lot of people, and like me, only you a person. 31、你在那里,我在這里,只是懷念,不再相見。 You are there, I am here, just miss, no longer meet. 32、小時候,哭著哭著就笑了。長大了,笑著笑著就哭了。 When I was young, I cried and laughed. Grow up, smiled and laughed and cried. 33、曾經很喜歡很喜歡,曾經很愛很愛,只不過是曾經。 Once liked very much, once very love very much, just once. 34、每個說不想談戀愛的人心里都裝著一個不可能的人。 Every person who says that they don't want to fall in love with someone who doesn't want to be in love. 35、親愛旳,邇要牽著莪旳手,相約到永久。 Dear, I want to hold your hand, forever. 36、用情深至無情,曲終人散空留。 With love to the ruthless, leave empty. 37、獨自一人走,留下殘影,讓你看著心疼。 Walk alone, leaving the shadow, let you look at. 38、是不是當世界只剩下你我二人時,你才會愛我。 Is not when the world only you and me two people, you will love me. 39、我會努力學習和你考上一所學校,一年之差你等我。 I will study hard and you get into a school, you wait for me a year. 40、生活最沉重的負擔不是工作,而是無聊。 The heavy burden of life is not work, but boredom. 41、有的時候我們并不一定是在聽歌,而是在聽自己的心情。 Sometimes we are not necessarily in music, but listening to my mood. 42、珍愛一切的好辦法是:意識到你有可能會失去他。 The best way to cherish everything is to realize that you are likely to lose him. 43、年輕是我們唯一擁有權利去編織夢想的時光。 Youth is the only time we have the right to weave our dreams. 44、過去始終是過去,再怎么努力也是一場空。 The past is always in the past, no matter how hard is futile. 45、我那么平凡,就不要把我丟在人群中。 I'm so ordinary, don't throw me in the crowd. 46、別想一下造出大海,必須先由小河川開始。 Don't think about the great ocean starts from a small river. 47、成熟不是人的心變老,是淚在打轉還能微笑。 Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears. 48、我愛上了安靜,所以我變得孤僻。 I fell in love with the quiet, so I become more and more lonely. 49、很多事,都介于不說憋屈和說了矯情之間。 A lot of things, all is not humbled and said between argumentative. 50、不曾給我一次回眸,我卻始終在對你微笑。 Did not give me a review, but I always smile on you. 51、如果沒有你,我拿什么傷害我自己。 Without you, what would I do to hurt myself. 52、有些話說與不說都是傷害,有些人留與不留都會離開。 Some words and not say is hurt, some people leave and will not leave. 53、小時候,牽著我手的那個老人,我以為他不會離開。 When I was young, the old man holding my hand, I thought he would not leave. 54、初中最美好的事情,莫過于一抬頭就能見到喜歡的人。 The best things in junior high school, than the rise will be able to see the person you like. 55、我把所有的真心話都放在玩笑里,你能懂嗎? I put all my heart into a joke, you can understand? 56、如若我離開了你,不是我不愛你了,而是我被你傷透了。 If I leave you, not I do not love you, but I was deeply hurt by you. 57、那么多人,沒有一個真正堅強的后盾,只有自己。 So many people, not a real strong backing, only their own. 58、師太,你是我心中的魔,貧僧離你越近,就離佛越遠。 Teacher, you are my devil, were closer to you, is far away from the buddha. 59、你可以很有個性,但某些時候請收斂。 You can have a personality, but at some point, please. 60、生活,無非就是兩種,生活把你玩了,你被生活玩了。 Life, is nothing more than two kinds of life to play you, you have been living. 61、當榮華落盡,僅存的只是點滴滴血的憂傷。 When the splendor falls, only just drop blood sorrow. 62、我的世界一天一天為你改變你沒發(fā)現。 My world day by day for you to change you did not find. 63、好朋友不會嫉妒,你的成功,不會計較你的失敗。 A good friend is not jealous, your success will not care about your failure. 64、姐不是客服人員,你沒權要求姐答這答那。 Elder sister is not a customer service staff, you have no right to ask the elder sister answer that. 65、我是一個瘋子,為了一個騙子,然后放棄了一個傻子。 I was a madman, for a liar, and then gave up a fool. 66、你的心可以容下兩個人,我退出,不想讓你太辛苦。 Your heart can hold two people, I quit, don't want to let you too hard. 67、真正在乎你的人,最怕失去你的消息。 Really care about you, the most afraid of losing your message. 68、我拒絕了那么多的曖昧,只為了你一個不確定的未來。 I rejected so many ambiguous, only for you an uncertain future. 69、誰給我全世界,我都會懷疑,心花怒放,卻開到荼蘼。 Who gave me the world, I would suspect, wild with joy, but bloomed. 70、告訴你,人的死心只是那么一瞬間的事。 Tell you, the heart was just a moment. 71、放手后的微笑,只是用來掩蓋疼痛的傷疤。 To let go of the smile, just to cover up the pain of the scars. 72、記憶就好像是穿衣服一樣,總也忘不了。 Memory is like wearing the same clothes, can not forget. 73、寧愿活在回憶里,也不愿幸福到忘記。 Prefer to live in the memories, but also not happy to forget. 74、孤獨是一首纏綿的詩,絲絲縷縷籠罩著你。 Loneliness is a haunting poem, stole over you. 75、不是我不懂愛情、而是我不懂你。 Not I do not understand love, but I do not understand you. 76、找一個安靜的角落,去撫平自己心中的傷痛。 Find a quiet corner, to ease the pain in your heart. 77、說忘記只是掩人耳目,幾多傷疤幾多浮夸。 Said forget how much a scar just to deceive the public. 78、我笑著說忘了,其實都記得,只是這些都沒有意義罷了。 I smiled and said that I forgot, in fact, I remember, but these are not meaningful. 79、一個人可以給你許多痛苦,但是沒有一次是相同的。 A person can give you a lot of pain, but no one is the same. 80、要糾正別人之前,先反省自己有沒有犯錯。 Before correcting others, first reflect on their own mistakes. |