英文詩選賞析 | A Red Red Rose
A Red Red Rose Robert Burns 蘇格蘭民族詩人羅伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns,1759——1796)是英國文學(xué)史上浪漫主義詩歌的卓越先驅(qū),他一生創(chuàng)作頗豐,絕大部分詩歌都從蘇格蘭方言和歌謠中汲取靈感和養(yǎng)分。彭斯以誠摯的情感生動描寫蘇格蘭鄉(xiāng)村生活,其詩作獨(dú)具民族特色且極富藝術(shù)魅力。 克斯蒂·布萊爾(Kirstie Blair)曾坦言:“彭斯的詩歌展示了他的創(chuàng)作天賦,他將諷刺與真誠、玩世不恭與真摯情感、犀利的社會評論與理想主義完美地結(jié)合起來。他寫的歌曲中詞和曲配合絕妙,他的詩采用的是易于記憶且人們熟悉的形式。他的很多詩和歌很快就成了蘇格蘭文學(xué)和民歌傳統(tǒng)的典范?!迸硭沟脑姼柙谑澜绶秶鷥?nèi)廣泛傳播,自1908年進(jìn)人中國,受到“五四”新文學(xué)運(yùn)動的助推,廣大研究學(xué)者和詩歌愛好者相繼對其進(jìn)行譯介。他的愛情詩是其抒情詩中最具感染力的,語言生動形象,富于節(jié)奏感和韻律美。 A Red, Red Rose O my Luve is like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June; O my Luve is like the melody That’s sweetly played in tune. So fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my Dear, Till a’ the seas gang dry. Till a’ the seas gang dry, my Dear, And the rocks melt wi’ the sun; I will love thee still, my Dear, While the sands o’ life shall run. And fare thee weel, my only luve! And fare thee weel awhile! And I will come again, my luve, Though it were ten thousand mile. 寫作背景 《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》是著名詩人羅伯特·彭斯根據(jù)蘇格蘭民謠創(chuàng)作的優(yōu)秀抒情短詩,收錄于1786年出版的《蘇格蘭方言詩集》,詩歌自發(fā)表以來,在全世界廣為流傳,經(jīng)久不衰。全詩以意象火紅玫瑰開頭,鮮明形象地展示了戀人的美麗,表達(dá)了詩人對真摯愛情的熱烈歌頌,同時(shí)也反映了勞動者們樸實(shí)而深厚的情感。 評論家們高度評價(jià)了此篇詩作。紀(jì)曉潔從功能文體學(xué)的視角分析詩歌的情感表達(dá)方式和語言特點(diǎn),從而進(jìn)一步加深對詩歌的理解和欣賞的效果。孟令新等從修辭的角度解讀了詩中強(qiáng)烈而真摯的愛情。有的學(xué)者指出彭斯用簡潔明快的語言表達(dá)了自己對所愛之人純真的愛戀及其樸素、純潔的愛情觀:無私、永恒、相濡以沫。 可見,盡管國內(nèi)評論家們對《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》從不同的角度進(jìn)行解讀,但他們大多數(shù)都品讀到作品中蘊(yùn)含的深刻愛情。彭斯采用簡潔凝練的語言、意蘊(yùn)豐富的意象、生動形象的修辭使得詩歌散發(fā)出無窮的語言魅力。 意象 《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》全詩分為四節(jié),共十六行。此詩語言平實(shí)簡練、感情熾熱、朗朗上口,富有蘇格蘭民謠的特點(diǎn)。彭斯使用了蘇格蘭方言進(jìn)行創(chuàng)作?!發(fā)uve”同于現(xiàn)代英語“l(fā)ove”;“bonnie”意為健康的,美麗的,可愛的,可人的;“l(fā)ass”指年輕未婚女子,姑娘(多數(shù)用于非正式對少女的稱呼);“gang”等同于“go”。蘇格蘭方言,樸實(shí)無華,喚起了普通大眾讀者對純真愛情的渴望。 為了用簡潔的語言表達(dá)充沛的情感,給讀者留下深刻的印象,詩人用了許多詩歌用語,play'd,a’,wi’,o',fare-thee-weel,tho'分別為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語played,all,with,of,bid farewell to thee,though。此外,詩歌中還有大量古英語的印記。古英語art,melodie,thou,thee等同于現(xiàn)代英語are,melody,you(主格),you(賓格)。 在格律上,此詩是用抑揚(yáng)格寫成的。奇數(shù)行為抑揚(yáng)格四音步,偶數(shù)行為抑揚(yáng)格三音步。在韻律上,每一節(jié)詩歌第二行和第四行押韻,讀起來抑揚(yáng)頓挫,節(jié)奏感強(qiáng)。后兩節(jié)詩的第一行和第三行末尾用了同一個(gè)詞,更大地增強(qiáng)了詩歌的韻律感。即前兩節(jié)詩歌的韻腳為abcb (rose, June, melodie, tune;lass, I, Dear, dry),而后兩行詩歌的韻腳為abab (Dear, sun, Dear, run;Luve, while, Luve, mile)。 韻律感的逐步加強(qiáng)讓我們感受到詩人愛得誠懇、堅(jiān)定、至死不渝。我們注意到,“Dear” “Love”兩個(gè)詞用的是大寫,體現(xiàn)出戀人在詩人的眼里是不可取代的,表達(dá)了“唯一”“重要”的內(nèi)涵。此詩簡潔凝練,鏗鏘有力,和諧悅耳,詩人情感強(qiáng)烈,語言生動,極富感染力,是浪漫主義詩歌中的雋永篇章。 玫瑰象征著愛情。詩歌第一句“O,my luve’s like a red, red rose, That’s newly sprung in June.”將愛人比作一朵在六月里剛開的紅玫瑰,這不是一般的玫瑰花,這朵紅紅的玫瑰剛剛開好,嬌艷欲滴,惹人憐愛。透過這朵玫瑰,我們仿佛可以看見他戀人的模樣,這是一個(gè)靈動的少女,臉頰紅潤,亭亭玉立,婀娜多姿,氣質(zhì)不俗。 第二句“O,my luve’s like the melodie, That’s sweetly play’d in tune.”此句詩人將戀人比喻成一首甜美的樂曲。如果紅玫瑰是從視角描繪愛人,那么甜美的樂曲則是從聽覺上告知讀者這個(gè)姑娘有著天籟之音,溫婉甜美。與這樣的姑娘在一起,仿佛可以忘卻世間所有的煩惱和痛苦,唯有快樂和寧靜相伴。 此后,詩人將意象轉(zhuǎn)為廣闊的大海和堅(jiān)固的巖石。“And I will luve thee still, my Dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a'the seas gang dry, my Dear, And the rocks melt wi' the sun!”詩人用??菔癄€表達(dá)對戀人的愛是堅(jiān)定不動搖的。整個(gè)宇宙可以變化甚至被摧毀,唯有愛情是永恒不變的。 “O,I will luve thee still, my Dear, While the sands o' life shall run.”此句詩人用沙漏來形容生命,他對戀人的愛會一直持續(xù)直至生命耗盡的那一刻??梢钥闯觯娙说膼矍槭菬霟岬?、忠貞的、深刻且恒久的。詩人通過玫瑰、樂曲、大海、巖石、沙漏等意象把我們帶入到一個(gè)美妙的意境中,在讀者心中引起強(qiáng)烈共鳴,藝術(shù)效果是同一時(shí)期其他詩歌無法企及的。 在《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》中,彭斯運(yùn)用了比喻、夸張、重復(fù)、頭韻等修辭手法,語言生動形象,給讀者留下了深刻的印象。 詩歌開篇把戀人比作紅紅的玫瑰和甜美的樂曲,形象的比喻讓讀者感覺到眼前立刻出現(xiàn)一位花季少女,青春、熱情、甜美、芬芳、秀麗。詩人對戀人的美好描述委婉間接地傳達(dá)了他的愛慕之情。這位姑娘這般美好,溫婉含蓄的詩句不夠表達(dá)詩人的濃烈愛意,詩人如洪水一般洶涌奔騰的愛情需要用直抒胸襟的方式來表達(dá)。 接下來的詩句詩人用夸張的手法表達(dá)了自己至死不渝的愛。詩人會永遠(yuǎn)地愛著他的戀人,直到“四海枯竭,直到太陽把巖石燒裂”。我們知道,現(xiàn)實(shí)中這是不可能發(fā)生的。海水不會干涸,太陽也不能將巖石融化。這種夸張的手法使得空間拉大了,時(shí)間延長了,愛情的主題得到了深化。 詩歌還有一個(gè)顯而易見的修辭手法——重復(fù)。重復(fù)的作用在于強(qiáng)調(diào)突出某個(gè)事物或者情感,抓住讀者的注意力,以留下深刻的揮之不去的印象。A red,red rose當(dāng)中的red進(jìn)行了重復(fù),增加了跌宕起伏的節(jié)奏感,讀起來朗朗上口。luve一詞在詩中反復(fù)出現(xiàn)了七次,并沒有給人一種累贅的感覺,反倒是強(qiáng)調(diào)主題,突出了詩人對戀人的愛如此熱切如此深刻。 此外,“I will luve thee still”,“Till a' the seas gang dry”兩句重復(fù)體現(xiàn)了詩人永不變心的承諾,使讀者也為之動容。詩歌最后詩人和戀人告別,重復(fù)的“fare thee weel”體現(xiàn)了詩人極不情愿離開戀人而不得不離開片刻的依依惜別之情。 詩歌還使用了頭韻,詩句中l(wèi)uve和like均以輔音[l]開頭的,red和rose以[r]開頭的,weel和while以[w]開頭。頭韻的使用使詩歌具有音樂美和整齊美,聲情交融,音義一體,具有很強(qiáng)的語言表現(xiàn)力和感染力。詩人用修辭手法生動地表達(dá)了自己對戀人真切永恒的愛戀,在詩人與讀者之間架起一座橋梁,直通讀者內(nèi)心,使其感同身受。 Themes “A Red, Red Rose” begins by describing the speaker’s love for a beloved with images that are beautiful but not necessarily long-lasting. The speaker then affirms, however, that his or her love will outlast human life itself. Through the speaker’s paradoxical (but passionate) claims, the poem argues that true love is both constantly renewing and completely unchangeable. The speaker begins by describing love in terms that are beautiful but that don’t immediately suggest permanence. The first lines compare the speaker’s love to “a red, red rose.” “Luve” could refer to the beloved, the person the speaker loves. It could also refer to the speaker’s feelings for this person. Saying the beloved is like a rose “newly sprung in June” emphasizes her beauty and youth. Meanwhile, saying that the speaker’s love for her is like a new rose implies that this is a new relationship, with all the freshness and excitement of a developing romance. Of course, a rose can only be “newly sprung” for a short time; June ends after thirty days, and flowers fade quickly. If the speaker’s love is just like a new rose, maybe it won’t last very long. The speaker then says this love is like “a melody / That’s sweetly played in tune.” But again, instruments can go out of tune, just as flowers can fade. The newness and excitement of the speaker’s love initially make it seem somewhat unstable. Then, however, the speaker goes on to emphasize how long this love will last. The speaker uses three images to measure how long these feelings of love will last: the seas going dry, the rocks melting, and the sands of life running out. These events could only occur after eons of time, if ever. It seems now that the speaker’s love, far from lasting only as long as a flower, will actually endure longer than human life. Although these conflicting descriptions of the speaker’s love sound like a paradox, the speaker continues to insist that true love really can embody these seemingly opposite qualities of newness and permanence. In the final stanza, the speaker bids farewell to the beloved, as if the speaker is planning to leave on a journey. The beloved doesn’t need to worry, though, because the speaker promises to return, even if the journey is “ten thousand mile[s]” long. This promise implies that, just as long stretches of time could not exhaust the speaker’s love for the beloved, a long stretch of distance cannot keep the speaker from her. And the length of this journey now seems short—just “awhile”—compared to the near-infinite time the speaker’s love will last. It seems, then, that love like the speaker’s is powerful enough to make earthly obstacles (like physical distance) feel insignificant. That is, this love is reliable and constant, but it also feels fresh and exciting enough to adapt to changed circumstances. The moment of farewell in the final stanza highlights the speaker’s core argument: love that lasts forever is also love that allows for change over time.