1、曾經(jīng)相遇,總勝過從未碰頭。 Once met, total than never to meet. 2、走完同一條街,回到兩個世界。 Walk the same street, back to the two world. 3、誰把誰真的當真,誰為誰心疼。 Who who really seriously, who for whom love. 4、有些人,看清了,也就看輕了。 Some people see, also underestimate. 5、春風拂柳、柳遮陰。怨葉漫過頭。 Spring breeze willow, willow shade. Blame the leaves over his head. 6、你的新歡,不照樣是別人的破鞋。 Your sweetheart, still others whore. 7、沉默放手,希望別再看見你的笑。 Silence let go, I hope do not see your smile. 8、鴻雁在云魚在水,惆悵此情難寄。 Among the clouds fish in the water, it is hard to send melancholy. 9、聽著你愛聽的歌,寫著我們的曾經(jīng)。 Listen to your favorite songs, write what we had. 10、一地的凄涼、寫滿了你賜予的悲傷。 The desolation of the land, filled with the sadness you gave. 11、不怪誓言太輕薄,只怪時間太現(xiàn)實。 Do not blame the oath is too thin, only strange time is too realistic. 12、不知不覺,是這世上最可怕的力量。 Unconsciously, is the world's most terrible power. 13、我想安靜的難過,心存感激的生活。 I want to be quiet and be thankful for the life. 14、忘記你,是為了證明我可以忘記你。 Forget you, is to prove that I can forget you. 15、從指縫看那煙霧繚繞的世界,很美。 Look at the smoke filled the world from the fingers, very beautiful. 16、我是你心中的無所謂,眼中的陌生人! I am your heart does not matter, in the eyes of the stranger! 17、理想老公的條件:帶的出去帶的回來。 Ideal husband's condition: take the back of the band. 18、當心痛到了極限、眼淚彌補不了心碎。 When the pain to the limit, tears can not make up the broken heart. 19、我把心寄錯了地址,現(xiàn)在請你還給我! I sent my heart to the wrong address. Now, please return it to me! 20、傷不起,所以想把你從我記憶里抽離。 I can't hurt you, so I want to take you away from my memory. 21、我狂奔著,為的是不讓自己感到寂寞。 I run, in order not to let yourself feel lonely. 22、那條路太難走結(jié)束,畫個漂亮的休止符。 The road is too difficult to walk over and draw a beautiful stop. 23、我一直很清醒,清醒地看著自己的沉淪。 I have been very clear, sober looking at his sink. 24、有時候,最好的安慰,就是無言的陪伴。 Sometimes, the best comfort is the silent company. 25、世界上沒有未完的故事,只有未死的心。 No unfinished story in the world, not only the dead heart. 26、你若對我沉默,對不起,我只好對你冷漠。 If you are silent to me, I am sorry, I have to be indifferent to you. 27、不要輕易說愛,許下的諾言就是欠下的債。 Do not easily say love, the promise is a debt owed. 28、我不懂你在不在乎我。我只懂我很在乎你。 I don't know you don't care about me. I only know that I care about you. 29、眾里尋他千百度,驀然回首,原來是二貨。 He found the degreeses, suddenly look back, the original is idiot. 30、讓一個人走進自己的心里,是不知不覺的。 Let a person into his heart, is imperceptible. 31、紙上寫滿你的名字,心里撐不下第二個人。 Your name is written on the paper, and the two one is in the heart. 32、拼命的喝醉,只是為了給哭泣找一個借口。 Desperately drunk, just to cry to find an excuse. 33、生于這世上,沒有一樣感情不是千瘡百孔的。 In this world, there is no sentiment can be in a disastrous state. 34、愛情就像手里的沙子,攥得越緊,流得越快。 Love is like the sand in the hand, the tighter the grip, the faster the flow. 35、擦去臉上的淚水,卻帶不走心中痛楚的感覺。 Wipe away the tears on the face, but do not take away the feeling of pain in the heart. 36、你會喜歡我多久,是伴我長久還是玩夠就走。 How long will you like me, is with me for a long time or have enough to go. 37、我們曾經(jīng)擁抱過的幸福,最后還是一片荒蕪。 We have embraced the happiness, the last is a barren. 38、愛若難以放進手里,何不將這雙手放進心里。 If it is difficult to put into the hands of love, why not put the hands into the heart. 39、因爲愛過,所以慈悲:因爲懂得,所以寬容。 Because of love, so mercy: because know, so tolerance. 40、與其到處找借口,不如直接說一句我不愛了。 Instead of looking for an excuse, it is better to say that I don't love. 41、蹲下來摸摸自己影子,對不起讓你受委屈了。 Squat down to touch your shadow, I'm sorry to let you wronged. 42、回憶的斑斑點點,都曾代表我們故事的零碎。 Memories of the spots, have represented our story ends. 43、昨天已逝,明日是迷,珍惜眼前,從今做起! Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, cherish the present, from the start! 44、眼淚流下來,才知道,分開也是另一種明白。 Tears streaming down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding. 45、人生總是很累的,你現(xiàn)在不累,以后就會更累。 Life is always very tired, you are not tired now, later will be more tired. 46、關(guān)于我有多想念你,一切語言都顯得蒼白無力。 About how much I miss you, every language is feeble. 47、千年的等待,卻只換來一句:你的愛早已不在! Thousand years of waiting, but only in exchange for a: your love is not in! 48、曬在陽光下的記憶,原來是我門想象中的愛情。 Sun in the sun's memory, the original is my imagination of love. 49、守著電話等待,一場謝幕的愛,一個人的對白。 Keep the phone waiting for a call of love, a person's dialogue. 50、用一只黑色的鉛筆,描畫一出彩色的舞臺默劇。 With a black pencil, painted a colorful stage mime. 51、曾經(jīng)的快樂都煙消云散,我們還能回到從前嗎? Once the happiness all vanish into thin air, can we return to the past? 52、生活不是等待風暴過去,而是學會在雨中曼舞。 Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. 53、心碎了無痕,我感動天感動地就是感動不了你。 Heart broken no trace, I touched the sky is touched not you. 54、愛情是不是都這樣,玩久了,看膩了,就拋棄了。 Love is not all like this, playing for a long time, tired of watching, it abandoned. 55、我們,和那些關(guān)于我們的回憶,原來都只是笑話。 We, and those about our memories, the original is only a joke. 56、我還是會相信愛情,只是不會再相信愛情能永遠。 I still believe in love, just don't believe that love can be forever. 57、兩個人轉(zhuǎn)身拉開旳距離,中間有一段悲傷旳回憶。 Two men turned and opened the distance, the middle has a sad memories. 58、消失旳歌已不會再開始,消失旳夢在記憶中飛逝。 The song has never disappeared, disappeared in the memory of the dream. 59、時間偉大到我連我自己都能忘記,卻忘記不了你。 Great time to me, even I can forget, but I can not forget you. 60、那一刻的我無論從哪個層面看,都是在茍延殘喘。 At that moment I no matter from which point of view, is on. 61、那個我拼命想得到的人,也是你拼命想丟棄的人。 The one that I desperately want to get, is the one you desperately want to throw away. 62、有些玩笑,開著開著,就認真了。比如:我愛你。 Some jokes, open, it is serious. For example: I love you. 63、我懷念的只是一個簡單的名字,一段簡單的相遇。 I miss is just a simple name, a simple encounter. 64、傾注所有的希望去做—件事,失敗后是會絕望的。 Pour all the hope to do something, the failure will be desperate. 65、開心的時候要想起我,難受的時候要記得你還有我。 Happy when you think of me, sad time to remember you and I. 66、如果不要我,請離開我,留下,只是繼續(xù)令我難過。 If not me, please leave me, leave, but continue to make me sad. 67、等待,是一生最初的蒼老。有些事一轉(zhuǎn)身就一輩子。 Waiting is the first old life. Some things turned around for a lifetime. 68、有時候,你必須放手,才能明白是否真的值得擁有。 Sometimes you must let it go, to see if it's worth having. 69、新來的同學叫郭愛卿,每次喊他都感覺自己是皇上。 The new student named Guo Aiqing, each calling him feel themselves to be the emperor. 70、青春的路上坎坷波折,其中最大的絆腳石就是愛情。 Youth bumpy twists and turns, one of the biggest stumbling block is love. 71、差一年,一個月,一天,一個時辰,都不算一輩子。 A year, a month, a day, an hour, is not a lifetime. 72、沒電話,沒問候,沒消息,我們像是熟悉的陌生人。 No phone, no greeting, no news, we are familiar with the stranger. 73、那些海誓山盟,你只是隨便一說,可我沒有隨便一聽。 You just said that exchange solemn vows and pledges, but I did not listen. 74、也許有一天,你回頭了,而我卻早已,不在那個路口。 Maybe one day, you look back, and I have long, not in that intersection. 75、當我最想說些什么的時候,往往也是我最沉默的時候。 When I want to say something, it is often the time when I am most silent. 76、害怕悲劇重演,我的命中,越美麗的東西我越不可碰。 Fear of a repeat of the tragedy, I hit, the more beautiful the more I can't touch. 77、我要學著一個人走以后的路,仿佛這輩子從未有過你。 I want to learn to walk alone after the road, as if it never had you. 78、你的心里有沒有我不重要,重要的是現(xiàn)在我心里有你。 You have my heart is not important, it is important now that I have your heart. 79、是不是男人都有一顆善變的心,是不是男人的心很殘忍。 Is not a man have a fickle heart, is not a man's heart is very cruel. 80、站在同一個世界,有人看到了快樂,有人卻看到了悲傷。 Stand in the same world, some people see the happy, others see the sadness. |
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