錢不用掙的太多,收支平衡,夠花就好。You don't have to earn too much money. You can make both ends meet and spend enough.下面是小編為大家整理的經(jīng)典中英文的幸福語錄,希望大家喜歡! 1、懂得珍惜,才配擁有,不懂珍惜,不配擁有。 Know how to cherish, just deserve to have, do not know how to cherish, do not deserve to have. 2、我把心都用來愛了你,卻忘了用一點來愛自己。 I used my heart to love you, but I forgot to love myself a little. 3、我說,每個女生還都是自己的女王! I said, every girl is her own queen! 4、希望今后的生活,多的是不需要理由的快樂。 Hope that the future life, more is no reason for happiness. 5、沒有實踐,就沒有人類和人類的一切。 Without practice, there will be no human beings and all human beings. 6、為了遇見你,我花光了所有的力氣。 I spent all my strength to meet you. 7、經(jīng)過了那么多年,我還是輸給了你,一敗涂地。 After so many years, I still lost to you, a total failure. 8、相信自己~把握未來,堅持做個有用之人! Believe in yourself ~ grasp the future, insist on being a useful person! 9、要迎著晨光實干,不要面對晚霞幻想。 Do it in the morning, not in the sunset. 10、給眼淚少一點自由、讓微笑多一些時候。 Give tears less freedom and smile more time. 11、永遠在心里對自己說:你是最棒的。 Always say to yourself in your heart: you are the best. 12、要快樂生活,要不然就辜負這個秋天了。 Live a happy life, or you will live up to this autumn. 13、美女無處不在、老婆無人取代。 Beauty is everywhere, and no wife can replace it. 14、世界是自己的,與他人毫無關(guān)系。 The world is our own and has nothing to do with others. 15、信心孕育信心,從勝利走向勝利。 Confidence breeds confidence and moves from victory to victory. |
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